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China's chemical industry registered steady expansion in the first 11 months of 2019, official data showed. The industry's value-added output rose 4.5 percent year-on-year, 0.8 percentage points faster than the same period of 2018, according to the Nation... View More>>
China's chemical sector saw faster value-added growth in the first eight months of this year, official data showed.... View More>>
China’s chemical sector saw slower value-added growth in May, official data showed.... View More>>
Authorities said special experts will be designated to help govern the hazardous chemical industry in key areas, while ramping up efforts to move plants out of densely populated areas.... View More>>
China’s oil and petrochemical industry registered a profit growth of 32.1 percent in 2018, beating the 10.3-percent average rise for the country’s major industrial enterprises.... View More>>
The average run rate at China's state-owned refiners Sinopec, PetroChina, Sinochem and China National Offshore Oil Corp., remained steady on a month-on-month basis at around 85% of the overall nameplate capacity in February, despite increasing stocks of o... View More>>
China’s petroleum and chemical industry posted rapid growth in the first nine months of 2018, official data showed.... View More>>
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